Posted by: Shira Danin | May 10, 2010

My new Fibrofun Vlog

Hey Everyone,

My hands have become a little too sore to write for a while so I switched medias.

This is my first vlog and I will upload the rest of my vlogs here as well:

and my second Vlog about Sleep deprivation and disability (with a little bit about my supporting friends):

I hope you enjoyed your little visit to my living room, and i hope you come again!


  1. EXCELLENT job, Shira! So where are you from? I’m from Phoenix, AZ and have had fibro for about 15 years. Mine presented in my calf muscles in that they would get rock hard and hurt to high heaven whenever I would walk. I couldn’t even walk it out, just had to sit and wait for the muscle to un-cramp itself. Then came the myriad of symptoms that you listed and the doctor appts and all the anti-depressant drugs they had me on. Pills, pills, pills! Do you take a lot? And now to add to the fun, I’ve got three slipped discs in my lower back that sends shooting pains (nerve pain) down both legs. I can’t have surgery, due to I’m very overweight and have to lose weight first. How the ***** can I do that if I can’t even walk? I’m miserable, so facebook has been like my lifeline. Your vlog is perfect, you explain everything so well. Just wanted to tell you that.
    Gentle hugs,
    Missy Schranz

  2. I like your new vlog…I featured one of your videos in a post I did for – Here is the link…

    Keep up the great work.



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